• 5.8.2019

    RedMane Technology Wins Puerto Rico Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment System Contract

    RedMane Technology LLC, a Chicago-based software solutions and systems integration firm, was awarded a contract to implement a modern Medicaid Eligibility and Enrollment solution for the Puerto Rico Department of Health. 

    The new system will support Puerto Rico’s 1.5 million residents on Medicaid, nearly 50 percent of the territory’s population. It will streamline eligibility determination, reduce manually intensive work, and advance the territory’s efforts to provide better care, easier access, and more efficient healthcare delivery.   

    “This project is a very large and complex implementation.  It is a key part of our effort to make our operations more efficient and improve the eligibility and enrollment experience for our applicants and recipients,” said Luz E. Cruz-Romero, Puerto Rico’s Medicaid Executive Director.

    RedMane will use its Smart Transfer approach to minimize risk and accelerate the project. With Smart Transfer, RedMane combines Commercial Off-the-Shelf (COTS) software with configurations and extensions RedMane recently developed for other Medicaid programs, including for the United States Virgin Islands.

    “We are excited to implement a solution that will help provide quality healthcare to more than a million Puerto Rican citizens,” said Tony Lakier, RedMane’s president.  “We have been successfully implementing eligibility and enrollment systems for almost 20 years.  Our people look forward to partnering with Puerto Rico Department of Health staff on this urgent and strategic initiative.”

     About the Medicaid Program of Puerto Rico Department of Health

    The Puerto Rico Department of Health’s Medicaid Program operates 66 local offices, employs over 800 staff, and uses a managed care approach for healthcare service delivery.

    About RedMane

    RedMane provides software solutions and systems integration services that address complex, real-world challenges.  Our human services expertise includes child welfare, child support, eligibility, and case management.  We are a problem-solving company. Technology is just one of our tools. To learn more about RedMane, visit redmane.com.